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IMG_1926 2.HEIC

Our Approach

We believe in ongoing learning through collaboration.


This is done through focused support by building partnerships within communities, as well as networks across communities, agencies, and organizations, thus helping them reach organizational goals and strategies


Facilitation and collaboration are more than organizing and managing meetings. This work plays an essential role in helping stakeholders work toward common goals and outcomes. As the impacts of a changing environment and resource degradation continue to increase, the management of natural resources among different communities will play an increasingly important role. Collaboration is crucial to address these issues. 


Our approach includes the following elements:

Provide assessment, analysis, and support to ensure a common understanding of the issues, stakeholder dynamics, and potential constraints and opportunities.

Coach, mentor, and train stakeholders to enhance organizational capacity and participate effectively in developing goals and solutions.

Integrate the best available science, information, and joint fact-finding approaches into field-based initiatives.

Provide appropriate facilitation, consensus building, and mediation services.

Create multiple learning opportunities through meeting and workshop settings, events, field studies, program cross visits, applied research, and training.

Design a collaborative process that encourages broad-based representation and buy-in of all affected stakeholders.

Develop working partnerships, active networks, and more effective organizational structures.

Support effective monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of program efforts.

Develop effective communication strategies through innovative web-based tools.

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