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SDR offers regular training to build collaborative capacity and skills among our partners and beyond.

We provide affordable access to training that reaches more partners and increases the effectiveness of ongoing and future collaborative work. At SDR we offer virtual and in-person training in both English and Spanish.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

2-Day Facilitation Training Workshops

This 16-hour in-depth facilitation training will help prepare you to design and facilitate successful meetings in natural resource and community settings. In this training you will:

  • Explore the many applications of facilitation

  • Learn key principles and best practices

  • Build facilitation skills through practice opportunities

  • Apply skills and specific methods for designing and facilitation in-person and virtual meetings, from small teams to large public workshops

  • Problem solve real world situations to help you leave with practical strategy ideas for your work

  • Build a supportive network of peers


Cost: (including lunch, snacks, and materials)

$350 (agencies & organizations)

$250 (students & community groups)


A limited number of scholarships are also available. Apply here.

September 21-22, 2023
Flagstaff, AZ

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